Hummingbirds in Costa Rica
We only have one hummingbird, Anna’s hummingbird, where I live and it’s a rather dull gray-green except for the throat patch. On my recent trip to Costa Rica, there were five different species of hummingbirds in one location. All more colorful than the little Anna’s I typically see. And they are use to people and cameras so you could get within inches of them!

Purple-throated mountain gem hummingbird, Lampornis calolaemus, on Stachytarpheta species. Bajos del Toro, Alajuela, Costa Rica.

Front view of male coppery-headed emerald hummingbird, Elvira cupreiceps. Bajos del Toro, Alajuela, Costa Rica.

Female green-crowned brilliant hummingbird, Heliodoxa jacula, feeding. Bajos del Toro, Alajuela, Costa Rica.
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